Anaplastology is a health profession dedicated to the art and science of restoring a malformed or absent part of the human body through artificial means or what we call a prosthesis. An "Anaplastologist" is the professional who provides the service of custom designing and fitting facial or somatic prosthesis. The Anaplastologist can offer restorative prosthetics for many parts of the body, such as the face, feet, hands, breast or other soft tissue areas. Anaplastologists frequently work with other specialists (plastic surgeons, ENT, oral maxillofacial surgeons, prosthodontist, audiologist, speech therapist) to insure a patient returns to a their daily life and activities. Personal Prosthetics specializes in facial prosthetics along with somato prosthesis.
Who needs an Anaplastologist?
People who are missing an ear, nose, eye, cheek or any part of the face or hand would benefit from the services of an Anaplastologist. These features can be missing or malformed for a variety of reasons. It can be a congenital (born with) condition or the result of cancer, disease or trauma. Individuals with missing or less than desirable facial features would benefit from a prosthetic custom created at Personal Prosthetics.